星期三, 八月 13, 2008



今天是我这个暑假最后一天‘工作’,早早就来到了实验室完成一些剩余的实验和交待一些事务。出人意料,DNA sequencing终于出好结果,这两个礼拜地苦苦奋战终于迎来了胜利的喜讯,让我高兴得不得了。因为我终于可以做个总结,潇洒地离开了。“这一切都太美了”这是我在那霎那间唯一想对对自己说话。







Tommorrow is Anoter Journey. 人生就是这样:来地潇洒,走得也要潇洒。留下的是一个情谊,带走的确是一个真诚的友谊和美好的回忆。但愿在每段走过的人生路途中撒下辉煌的成绩,让人叹为观止。这样做人才有意义。
My lovely research group members!!!

星期三, 七月 16, 2008


人逢喜庆,多旺事。前阵子地休兵整顿之后,果然一发就中。今天实验做得很晚,长达八九多个小时奋战,但是皇天不负苦心人,还算成功。昨晚一整晚很郁闷,没睡上什么好觉。原因呢也很简单,竹篮打水一场空。昨天从早上做实验做到下午三四点,当时既兴奋又紧张,因为这是我头一次做molecular biology实验。但是一点结果都没有,一切都泡汤了。头战就失败,我的信心跌入谷底,不段质疑自己的能力。原计划是把它做完,然后做PCR,在最后把样本寄到Cornell 做Sequencing。计划是一步接一步,一跌一步全盘就要后移,这让我着急得很。因为我剩余的时间不多,一天都不能耽误,要敢报告啊!所以一大早就被惊醒,感到实验室。

在实验室也跟了‘老板’ 一步一步查核昨天做的实验步骤,没发现什么大问题。但是有一两个步骤有点担心,很确定可能就在那里出了问题,也问了问‘老板’ 的意见。就决定在精心在做一次。由于DNA 过于太小,用肉眼是很难看到的,时常不确定是否提到了DNA,做的很不自信。但是死马就当活马医了,做到最后。吃完午饭后,决定在做一组样本,虽然还不知道今天早上的实验是否成功,以防万一。就一边做一边跑胶(GcEL)。但是忽然在GEL上显现出我盼望已久的DNA Bands。太神奇了,起初觉得tube一点东西都没有,放了点buffer就跑胶了,一位肯定有泡汤了。

真是高兴死了,这一步成功了,接下来的就好办了。所以就下午工作就轻松多了。果然不出我所料,那些样品也works LOL。。。高兴地真不知道该说什么。。。


星期三, 六月 25, 2008


新的一天又开始了,也就是说新的希望的开始。 但是由于前几天的事故,现在正在修养中,简直是无聊透顶,没事干。本来打算昨天回实验室开始工作,但是我的教授想让我多休息几天,以免感染。所以说近况是在待命中!这让我不知如何时候,心急如烽,恨不得收快点好,所以这几天较劲脑汁想办法,但还是于是无成,只好认命。

静静地坐在餐厅中吃午餐,头却不由自主地昂望着远方蓝色的天。不禁又让我想起了家,一想到家嘴又有点谗了,怀念家饭。这阵只还真得有点累了,也想好好休息一番。算一算这半年来都在学校里头拼命,在家的时间还不到半个月。本来春假放了10天,但是要赶回来接受EMT的训练,(是做急症的课程,为期4个月,然后再考州试,最后才被合格拿到许可证。) 过程极长又繁杂。春假那几天,去了学校附近的Mohawk Ambulance实习,感觉还不错;每天坐着急救车去救人,很有使命感。在那期间又被通知Summer Research Applocation被录取了。我最后决定去Syracuse University,这个暑假有计划了,也算是圆了这几年想做研究的梦想。由于时间紧迫,考完Finals就跑上来了。虽然是心里上还没准备好,但是我的理想催促我的脚步。临走时心还是在Union,很不舍得感觉。因为是有几位好友要毕业了,有点遗憾不能参加他们的毕业典礼。不管了,安心得上路吧,正在迎接在前面的道路又是一片新天地;那片新天地是多么的新鲜,滋润肥沃,培育着一只又一只肥牛羊。心里期待着!


星期二, 六月 24, 2008


哇!时隔一年今天才醒悟过来我有一年没动笔了,这一年发生了很多事,也做了很多突破自我的事!话来说长,不过一切都还挺顺利的,没白忙一场。回味一下这一年,那种甜蜜的感觉不知道怎么形容,一个个的惊喜,一个个的喜讯,高兴得比吃了蜜糖还要甜。说实在收获还真的不少。我这几天还时常举起自己的大拇指直给我自己“You are ABLE man"。其实我想做得也只想证明一下我自己一下 。

Anyway... 大概是最近好事太多了,老天爷怕我失了神 ,高兴得昏了头,所以给了我一个警讯。这个警讯可大了,你应该可以猜到我都失了神有多么严重。事情严重。。。是这么回事。。

6 月21日,也干好是我来美6年纪念日,所以那天我就特勤快,心情也就和愉快。一起早吃完东西,就奔向实验室开始工作。由那天是星期六,实验室也就我一个人,但下午‘老板’还过来观望了一下,因为我又告诉他我会周在这个末会完成实验项目。等到一切准备就绪,穿上了实验衣 还很威风的走进hood room坐下来就开始了。消毒是头程序,先用酒精泡夹子,然后用火烘干它。死就死在这里啦,夹子从酒精中拿起在在火上烤,当然会着火了,但小火甩甩就灭了。那天我贪玩,多时了几下,最后着大火了,但愚笨的我又把它放进酒精中,所以又招来了更大的火。那时我的心真得慌了,赶紧把酒精盆子放在地下,结果烫伤了手,盆子又摔破了。Hood Room一瞬间起了大火,像是汽油上火了,眼见不妙,就跑去取水灭火。幸亏及时,火势漫野不大,一下子就灭了,但是搞得整间hood room乌烟瘴气。真的吓死我了!!!稍微整理了一下,通知了其它同事,然后跑回宿舍那牙膏敷手,就跑去医院看医生。结果被弄到了急症室诊断,是2级烫伤,医生开了抗生素的药以免伤口感染。最后又回去实验室作最后清理。


星期六, 六月 09, 2007

大学录12-Unforgetable Time of Being Together!


"We might not see each other ever again. Or we would see each other probably 30 years from now! Who can tell?" That is one of my classmates told me in the ends of tonight's celebration. He is so right, because some of people are going to graduate in this term, and we probably might not see each other again I feel so sorry that why this kind of happiness can not be promised and stayed in the future!

Back to the point. But I was so excited and happy to put our show, Peach Blossom Land> by Stan Lai, on the stage at Union college. In the celebration, my professor told me that it is the second time that this show has been put on the stage in U.S. The first time was at Stanford University. I feel so proud of us. But we were pretty sure everyone had good time of doing it. We congratulated each other for our efforts putting on the play.

From the point of view of stage director, I must say directing a play is not that easy as what we usually see in auditorium. Even though our play tonight was just like one and half hours, but we prepared it for 4 weeks. We rehearsed almost every day. "It is team work. If one person doesn't cooperate, then the whole thing would mess up!" That is what our professor told us in our rehearsal.

I could not believe there were about 100 people to come to see our show. A lot of them are from Albany. But I also invited many of my friends and professors to our show. Even though we comforted each other not to be nervous on the back stage, I could not stop myself when I saw each audience coming in. Because I am stage director and light controller, I also helped to welcome our guesses, who are our most energy resources, because only they were the witness of our achievement. I wanted to thank them for taking their time to see our show.

The play progressed smoothly toward the end. The audiences clapped their hands loudly, and we all actors bowed our heads for their time and patience. Their clapping brought us the confidences. Each one of us stood like shining start on the stage. Our friends came immediately to us and congratulated us. The happiness inside of my heart is hardly to express in words. But the picture is most expressible.

“Everyone Smile….” Professor delivered the last order as director. “LOVE……..” All actors murmured the same word. “CUT…CHA…” This is our family. It is going to keep in our memory forever. Such wonderful picture, I admire from the bottom of my heart. Everyone is showing their confidence about what he/she is doing. It proves that we did not waste our time on the show. Life should be just like this, 70% of time is doing the thing we like in life (THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE), and 30% of time is struggling for the achievement we desire in life, (THE ENJOYMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT). Yea, open the mind to everything, and explore the world and things around you, which is how we should enjoy the life. There is always something new to you, which is the magic of this world. Because I never believed I would have a day performing on the stage at college.

星期五, 五月 04, 2007

大学录11-Steinmetz Symposium

春暖花开,在这美好的季节里,总会带给人们一种舒适的感觉。我呢,总是想到外面溜达,搜捕一些知讯。这个季节对每一位将要毕业的学生们来说是个大丰收的季节。寒冬过后,终于‘花开富贵’。然而,在这灿烂的阳光地照耀下显得更加娇艳美丽。大家都喜心往外地高高兴兴地来分享自己多年修来的“成果”。 “修”这个字也很确切地表明了学习是一种修炼。每个学生都要经过九九八十一磨难才可以拿到“正果”。但这个“正果”也是他们在这四年里最珍贵的宝。我想这种经历是很有滋味的吧!


"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions. " Charles Steinmetz, quoted from The Speaker's Electronic Reference Collection, AApex Software (1994)。

这句话说得对极了。这是我们身为大学生所必备的条件,这也是是否能在大学成功的一个 信念。“探索是学习的过程,研究是发现或发明的途径。” 这不仅是科学家的精神,也是每个学习者的榜样。不管是那行哪业,这种精神都会一一体验到。国父孙中山先生不是也讲过这样类似的语句:“学问学问,不懂就要 问。”对哦,在经过参加这些毕业生演讲,我才领会到其中的奥妙。我可以看出这种精神在他们的身上体现出。我佩服得是他们都是怀着对学问疑惑的心态,来征服 这个世界。


星期五, 四月 27, 2007

大学录-10 AOP Academic Ceremony


“努力,坚持跑下去!”这种坚持不懈的精神往往可以体现在健身房里的跑步机上去,但在我们的生活经历中也可以看到的!“坚持就是胜利”这一句话的含义及深,也不知道什么样的举动才算坚持呢?跑着跑着又想到昨晚AOP Academic Ceremony的事!

“H..U..G...H...” The director of AOP turns his head and asks the Assistant Director beside him for the pronunciation of the name.
" Adonis!" He finally calls out the name!
" O...Yea..." The students and the professors are 'yelling'.
"Oh, My God! Is he calling me?" I am stunned and questions myself, because I don't believe I also have such...
"Go, Huiqing! Hurry Up!" One of my Chinese friends wakes me up when I haven't gotten the chance to finish my thinking.
" Oh!" I run to the stage to receive the award quickly. Suddenly, I feel I am holding a metal in my hand. Every one is looking at me, and I can see happiness and congratulation from each of them, especially my English professor who sits steadily below and claps proudly both of her hands. I believe she is my best witness of getting this award.

I worked hard in her class last term. I was scared to died to take any English class in the beginning, because AOP summer suffered me a lot. My counselor also suggested me to take it next year. But I rejected it because I had my own plan and life goal. Escaping is not the way for solving the problem, while facing the reality is the best way to challenge ourselves. I told myself this English class could not just be disturbance to my whole planI knew. this was my first the wall of obstacle I had to overcome it anyway. This psychological emotion permitted me to insist on my original plan.

Fortunately, I had a ESL tutor to help with my English class. Also, I went to see my professor regularly for some suggestions and helps. It didn't turn out very well at the beginning. Sometime, I hated myself not writing the paper well. I almost gave up. But I just couldn't allow myself doing this. I lost my consciousness and continued doing my work, because I had no time blaming myself. But it was like a horse who received the 'kinetic energy' from solar and runs on the life road quickly, because it has carried an important mission for future. I always believe "The blood has to be pumped throughout the body by heart in every 24 hours, and oxygen has to be brought in by lungs in every second. Body cannot live without neither one of them. " Give up one second of our life time will result in messing the whole plan and life goal. It is similar to that human will die of not taking oxygen and having heart pumping. Our life is controlled by myself and we should not have any regret marked in the life road. Remember that any achievement is done by not disappointing and lying ourselves.

Success is the promise I had to myself in the way to the door of Union college. This experience makes some wonderful milestone in the beginning of my life road, which all is contained in this award.