星期六, 六月 09, 2007

大学录12-Unforgetable Time of Being Together!


"We might not see each other ever again. Or we would see each other probably 30 years from now! Who can tell?" That is one of my classmates told me in the ends of tonight's celebration. He is so right, because some of people are going to graduate in this term, and we probably might not see each other again I feel so sorry that why this kind of happiness can not be promised and stayed in the future!

Back to the point. But I was so excited and happy to put our show, Peach Blossom Land> by Stan Lai, on the stage at Union college. In the celebration, my professor told me that it is the second time that this show has been put on the stage in U.S. The first time was at Stanford University. I feel so proud of us. But we were pretty sure everyone had good time of doing it. We congratulated each other for our efforts putting on the play.

From the point of view of stage director, I must say directing a play is not that easy as what we usually see in auditorium. Even though our play tonight was just like one and half hours, but we prepared it for 4 weeks. We rehearsed almost every day. "It is team work. If one person doesn't cooperate, then the whole thing would mess up!" That is what our professor told us in our rehearsal.

I could not believe there were about 100 people to come to see our show. A lot of them are from Albany. But I also invited many of my friends and professors to our show. Even though we comforted each other not to be nervous on the back stage, I could not stop myself when I saw each audience coming in. Because I am stage director and light controller, I also helped to welcome our guesses, who are our most energy resources, because only they were the witness of our achievement. I wanted to thank them for taking their time to see our show.

The play progressed smoothly toward the end. The audiences clapped their hands loudly, and we all actors bowed our heads for their time and patience. Their clapping brought us the confidences. Each one of us stood like shining start on the stage. Our friends came immediately to us and congratulated us. The happiness inside of my heart is hardly to express in words. But the picture is most expressible.

“Everyone Smile….” Professor delivered the last order as director. “LOVE……..” All actors murmured the same word. “CUT…CHA…” This is our family. It is going to keep in our memory forever. Such wonderful picture, I admire from the bottom of my heart. Everyone is showing their confidence about what he/she is doing. It proves that we did not waste our time on the show. Life should be just like this, 70% of time is doing the thing we like in life (THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE), and 30% of time is struggling for the achievement we desire in life, (THE ENJOYMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT). Yea, open the mind to everything, and explore the world and things around you, which is how we should enjoy the life. There is always something new to you, which is the magic of this world. Because I never believed I would have a day performing on the stage at college.



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